Thursday, May 13, 2010

Grad School: Year 1 in the bank

It's hard to believe that one year ago I graduated from the United States Military Academy. I graduated free on a medical discharge to start a new life as a civilian while my friends and brothers were beginning their lives as officer's in the United States Army. My road would lead me to the state of Iowa. Iowa you ask? Yes, Iowa. I came to Iowa chasing a very pretty, caring, and special girl that I met in Virginia. Her name is Jenny. Yes so I met the girl from Iowa who was going to school in Virginia while I was going to school in New York. Very complicated situation that has worked out amazingly well.

Enough with cute and cuddly stuff haha. The year has been a strange one for me. I had to actually do things on my own instead of having others tell me what to do all the time. I have gone from where I was never alone to where I have days to myself. I know right? Like a normal person. I worked this summer for Jenny's friend's mother who was nice enough to give me a job. I worked at her furniture and interior design store, Wicker and the Works. I had a good time there, I got to play around in the shop and go on deliveries and move around furniture. Victoria was a champ. She threw around furniture like she was my age (not that you are old Victoria in case you happen to read this). I had my first apartment to myself and purdy much enjoyed first summer as a free man. I went with Jenny and her family on vacation to Hawaii and that was one of the best times I have ever had.

During that summer I turned down an offer for a position with Team Services, a civil engineering firm out of Des Moines, IA. I am very thankful for their interest in me. I was very scared about my future after graduating from West Point. I turned it down because I thought that I would be attending the University of Iowa in the fall. Turns out I did not get in when I wanted to and had to find alternate employment. This I found with McGregor's Furniture in Coralville, IA. To an onlooker it would appear as though I was preparing myself for a life in the furniture business. I was planning on only being there for as long as I needed. Turns out I needed until January before I finally got into the University full time. McGregor's was interesting, I liked it at times and I hated at times. I met some cool people though: Calvin, Greg, Tommy, Sky, and Eric.

So I finally got into school like I wanted to in the fall. Grad school is a nice change from West Point School. I took 12 credits instead of 20+. I went to bed before 3am unless I was downtown of course. I get paid to do research for the University as a graduate assistant. Iowa City is a great place to live. The Iowa Hawkeyes won the Orange Bowl this year. That was very exciting. Downtown has about 50 bars and I haven't yet been to all of them. I've had a great time.

As I'm writing this I'm supposed to be studying for the two finals that I have tomorrow. The good news is that I will be done with both by 2pm tomorrow and Seth Curry is stopping by on his way to Fort Wainwright Alaska. After Friday I will be officially done with my first semester as a grad student and halfway to getting my master's degree.

I should really get back to studying.

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