Saturday, April 23, 2011

Passter or Eastover

Well its time for another holiday! Actually this one has been going on since last Tuesday. That holiday is Passover. It's cool living with Jenny because she grew up different than I did back home in Montana. It's neat to get exposed to different traditions and holidays. Although I'm not Jewish, this year I decided to go along with the diet restrictions of Passover with Jenny. Solidarity haha. The biggest difference in the diet is no gluten. Most wheat products are out, which when you think about it is a huge part of what you eat everyday! It's been tough without bread for sandwiches, wraps, noodles, and oatmeal. The story is that when the Hebrews escaped Egypt with Moses, they didn't have enough time to let their bread rise. Don't quote me because I'm not a biblical scholar but I think that is the gist. You can buy unleavened bread in the grocery stores. It's made by grandpa Doug's new favorite wine maker Manischewitz. Jenny and I bought some the other day. It doesn't have much tastes. It's kind of like a saltine cracker. Thing's are going good though. It is a little hard to figure out what to have for dinner. We've made and gotten a lot of asian food this week. Rice and rice noodles are ok. I had a ton of fried rice and sushi last night. Even though I have newly discovered eating healthy and staying fit, I couldn't stop myself from eating all of the rice in one sitting. I paid for this by having a bulging painful stomach for the rest of the night.

Anyways that is the Passover part of Passter or Eastover whichever you want to call our combined holiday. We are also celebrating the Easter part this weekend. We got an Easter basket, some candy, and of course Guinea Pig costumes haha. I don't have the pictures yet but they should be awesome. The pig costumes are from Cuddly Cavies (cavies are another name for guinea pigs). The costumes were actually shown on a South Park Episode where giant guinea pigs were attacking society. Hopefully that doesn't happen with our guineas. We bought a bunny costume for the big one (Guinness) and an egg costume for the little one (Peanut). It should be entertaining to get those on them. They are going to be purdy mad.

Other than the holidays nothing really is going on. The month started out with great weather but for the last week it has been crappy. It's been cloudy almost everyday and raining a lot. Hopefully this clears up soon. I'm ready for the real spring. I know this doesn't sound to bad for those of you in Montana. I've been hearing horror stories about how much it has been snowing. I don't miss that at all. Spring needs to spring haha

Happy Easter (and Passover)!!

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